
Friday, February 11, 2011

Ken Hermans "Glenn Beck Moment" as to Austins participation in 2010 school board elections

There are times when you read an article that you can actually feel the searing hot outrage of the writer ... I recently experienced this phenomenon while searching for a valid article for my blog. Although there are plenty editorials which merely seem to regurgitate info to you in a way that seems rather calm and mostly "professional" manner, I most enjoy ones that involve a person who has their facts straight and are righteously pissed off about an issue. On May 10th Ken Herman wrote an article regarding the 2010 central Texas elections for the School Board as well as the extremely low voter turnout for said election. He titles his article "You're free to vote so why didn't you?" and rants on about the actual turnout rate, which out of 375,000 registered voters only 9,500 actually showed up. Herman goes on to expressing his disappointment with Hispanic peoples ability to rally in the state capital against the proposed  ID check law for Arizona a week earlier, but were not informed enough/ cared about their local elections pertaining to their children's education for the coming years. Although I think Herman says some pretty wild things in the short editorial, I believe that in ways he is correct about peoples political issue focus being slightly askew to what is actually most pressing in peoples lives. I Believe that this is an interesting article to read because it portrays the writers true feelings toward the subject of how people complain about government and actually how many people participate in politics in general.

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